Everything You Need to Know About Cash Advance Loans
There are several instances that people need loans. You may be short on cash and in need of emergency purchases or payments. The problem about being in such a situation is that you may be getting some money soon. However, if the situation cannot wait, it can’t. That is why lenders came up with cash advance loans. Cash advance loans are usually short-term loans that people can take and repay when their revenue stream brings in the money they need.
A cash advance loan is also a cost-effective way to borrow money because they are typically short loans that can be repaid quickly and without excessive interest. It is also a good way for someone with a poor credit score to improve their credit. There are many benefits of getting cash advance loans and people shouldn’t shy away from getting them. People should also ensure they get the loans from a reliable company. In Australia, Cash on Your Mobile is the team that you can rely on for the best experience getting a cash advance loan.
Not anyone can walk into a bank and expect to come out with a loan. The same applies when a person wants to work with any financial institution. There are some criteria that must be met when it comes to eligibility of taking the loans. These are to ensure that the person taking the loan will be able to pay. It also helps reduce risks that the lender is taking. Cash on Your Mobile has simple and standard eligibility measures that you must match. They include the following:
- Age – You must be at least 18 years old to participate.
- Income – Applicants must demonstrate that they have a steady source of income. If they get Centrelink assistance, they must establish that at least 50% of their income comes from non-government sources.
- Statements – From the bank Lenders typically want read-only access to at least 90 days of bank statements to assess income and expenses.
- Liabilities – Applicants must disclose any additional debts they may have, such as outstanding loans or credit card obligations.
We also help people who have a bad credit score. We are a team that cares about our clients and we understand the need for cash advance loans. Work with us today for fast and reliable loans.
Fast Application and Approval
One of the reasons that people prefer cash advance loans to other types of loans is the ease of application. You can apply and get approval in no time. Cash advance loans can be used for emergency situations or special occasions and going to a bank won’t be of much help. These loans need a small figure that can be repaid in a short time. That means that the application should also be done in a short time and with us, you can be done with your application in five minutes. We don’t take long to review your application and a response will be with you fast as well.
Fast Disbursement of Funds
Another reason that people are usually keen to get cash advance loans is the disbursement times. They are known for fast disbursement and once an approval is received, a person can get the funds. Those receiving the money through an electronic transfer can get it in less than 4-hours while those receiving through the bank will get it in a day or two. Cash on Your Mobile is a team that is usually very keen on your needs and we ensure that you get the money you need in a good time.
Flexible Loan Term
When taking a cash advance loan, one of the advantages you will have is a flexible loan term. Some people will want to repay in 4-weeks while others will find it better to pay back in 12-weeks. Our cash advance loans are usually flexible and we will agree on a suitable time frame. We understand our clients’ financial background and looking at your financial stream, we will devise a suitable time frame for you to pay back. Our loan terms are usually short-term and will help you in any of your emergency payment needs.
Repayment of Loans
One common thing that people usually want to know is how repayment of loans is done. The good thing is our loan repayment is as easy as taking the loan itself. You won’t have to hassle looking for a means to pay us back. We have an automatic deduction system that will take out the money you owe from your payroll. We make repayment easy for you to make the loan experience much better. The repayment deduction will be made on the agreed date. The short-term loan doesn’t incur much expenses and you can rely on us for the best cash advance loans.
Top Rated Team
Whenever you are looking to get a loan, you should ensure that you get it from a professional and reliable company. Taking a loan isn’t something that you should get from a random lender. A professional team is one that has the right terms and follows a specific system when it comes to their loans. If you are looking for a team to get a cash advance loan, you should look at their rating. Ratings tell the true story about a company. Cash On Your Mobile is a top-rated broker in Australia. We have consistently helped people with fast cash advance loans and we give them at the best terms possible.
Get Started Today
Do you want to get a cash advance loan from us? Do not hesitate, we work fast to ensure that you get the funds you need in no time. We are a professional company and we always work for the best interests of our clients. Our cash advance loans are approved fast and application takes a short time. We are always ready to help you get out of your financial predicament. Apply today to stand a chance of getting your loan today as well.